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Charts - Old Testament Series

Charts - Old Testament Series


Charts from the Old Testament Series. Charts are added to this collection periodically.


Current Contents:


01 - The JEDP Chart - The Four Sources of the Pentateuch (The Torah) - At first, scholars thought that there were only two earlier documents, one called the Yahwist source, and the other the Elohist source, based on the way each referred to God's name. But it soon became clear that Genesis and the Exodus also contained a priestly cast to it, against the other that contained many of the old stories involving historical traditions. Now there were three sources, and it didn't take long to identify a fourth. The unique style of the Book of Deuteronomy set it apart from the other three.  These four sources are called by their first letters J, E, P, D. The 'J' instead of the 'Y' comes from the German word Jahve, for it was German scholars who first proposed the abbreviations.


02-06 - Charts - From Genesis Chapters 1 - 11 - Charts used as study guides for the beginning of Genesis (Chapters 1-11)


07 - Genealogy from Noah to the 12 Patriarchs - Family Tree revealing the Genealogy from Noah to the 12 Patriarchs (reference Genesis chapters 10-36).


08 - Table of Nations - Family Tree revealing the Genealogy from Noah to the 12 Patriarchs (reference Genesis chapters 10-36).

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